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Is it okay to give a cat alcohol?

By: The Moo News Network

Interviewer: Is it okay to give a cat alcohol?

CowboyBenWade: Coco has developed a little bit of an issue.

Interviewer: Is he starting to get dependent?

CowboyBenWade: He doesn't go and buy it himself, so he has to get it from me. I don't give him nearly as much as he would like. It's a tricky thing for a cat because they are so small. This one just has a lot of fur, and that makes him look a lot bigger than he is. I didn't even know if it was a he or a she for a long time - someone had to tell me. They cut his package off, but he never really acted like a manly cat anyway, and with all that fur, you would never know.

Interviewer: Maybe you should give him beer or something less potent.

CowboyBenWade: I like for him to beg. If I keep giving him the strong stuff, he always come back. It makes me feel good that he needs me.

Interviewer: What does he do when he starts having withdrawal symptoms?

CowboyBenWade: He starts to drool everywhere - I got big puddles of his slobber all over my laptop one time when he needed some. I don't always give in, and the slobbering just gets worse. Cat slobber is a foul thing - it's corrosive if you have any kind of a scratch or cut. It'll give you a fever. He's a dirty little guy.

Interviewer: You let him get on you?

CowboyBenWade: Sometimes he sits in my lap. He's gotten where he likes it. It took us a long time to get there, a cat really has to trust you before it will get in your lap. It would be very easy for me to do something to him while he's sitting there, and I've thought about it a lot. I could have a good laugh at his expense. He likes to put his face up near mine like he's trying to say something - I wish he could talk, but they don't do that anymore. Sometime I'll get him some, and I've got him a little bowl that he drinks it out of - he laps it up with his tongue, and it takes him a while. If he doesn't finish, I have to put a little sugar in there. I think that I've given him too much over a long period of time. It may have have not been good for him.

Interviewer: Is he slower than he used to be?

CowboyBenWade: He's bigger and he's slower. I think he's got a belly on him now, and he can't catch mice and things anymore. They are too fast for him. Something chewed his ears up - I'm not sure what it was. It could have been anything.

Interviewer: Is he a smart cat?

CowboyBenWade: He's never exceptional at anything; he a mediocre animal, but that's good enough for me most of the time. I just like for him to rub his face on my leg; it's not a lot to ask. We had another cat that chocked on a hairball - he was smart. He liked to watch the airplanes as they flew over - I think he knew what they were.

About the Author

CowboyBenWade does interviews and lectures on a huge variety of topics, and he is an expert in a multitude of fields. His knowledge includes but is not limited to: engineering, chemistry, aviation, cooking, and farming.

Much of the world is clamboring to interview him at any given time. This is a transcript of one such interview.

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